Human Resources

Comprehensive Performance Management
The Comprehensive Performance Management Process
It is once again the time to Conduct Annual Performance Evaluation of staff employee. All Staff employees who have been employed by the University for at least six (6) months from April 1, 2011 through May 31, 2012 should receive an evaluation.
All staff evaluations should be written using the Jackson State University Comprehensive Performance Management Form. The form is available on the Division of Human Resources website. Please note: the form has been revised to include a Customer Service component.
The review period is April 1, 2011 through May 31, 2012.
The employee’s immediate supervisor should complete and sign the evaluation form; obtain signature approval from the next level up; conduct the evaluation and set goals with the employees. It is the responsibility of each Vice President, Dean, Director, and Department Head to ensure that a performance evaluation, goal setting, and objectives for the next evaluation period are accomplished for each employee within his/her area of responsibility.
The original completed form should be forwarded to the Division of Human Resources and a copy given to the employee by June 30, 2012.
Revised Comprehensive Performance Management Process (CPMP)

About Human Resources
The role of the Division of Human Resources (HR) is to advance the overall mission of the University by providing quality support to the University for the following areas including, but not limited to:
Talent Acquisition
Salary and Benefits Administration
Employer and Employee Relations
Student Employment
Professional and Workforce Development
Policy and Procedures
The Division of Human Resources supports the University pillars of student centeredness, teamwork and collegiality, and the pursuit of excellence. We are committed to excellence, honesty and integrity in all that we do and strive to build and maintain effective partnerships while promoting an environment in which human values and relationships are respected, diversity is supported, and people are recognized as our most valuable resource.